Midnyte Tales
Where YOU become part of the story.
2 years ago

S1E19 - What You See At The Gym

What You See At The Gym

Oh, honey. I'm sorry you had such a rough time back at the gym but... well... you did a really good job.

Of course you did! You took the step, despite your anxieties and made it all the way through. I'm proud of you.

And, trust me... while it may feel that way, nobody is looking at you. Everyone is there in the same boat, doing their own thing. You're fine. You did good.

Midnyte Tales are 10-25 minute stories in which you play as key a role as I do. Want action, adventure, horror, romance or comedy? Be a part of the story through immersive roleplay and enjoy a whole new adventure, every single week.

Want more from Xyta? Visit Xyta's Website or Patreon for the entire backlist, exclusives and heaps more. If you prefer to watch, rather than listen, Xyta also has a YouTube channel for your viewing pleasure.

Additional SFX from freesound.org used under CC0 license.

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